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"The Winter of the Witch"

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"The Winter of the Witch" (Warlocks & Warlords)

"Whatever the sergeant’s words, they were engulfed by a blast of wind that swept out of the shadows, spiraled into a towering vortex hurling snow and ice into the faces of guards and men startled from their slumber alike. Rance shielded his eyes with one arm as the other drew one of his swords. A huge shape stepped from the depths of the white whorl. Grizzled brown fur covering a massive low-slung body, knife-like claws protruding from broad pads ideal for moving over the snow, a spade shaped head, ears flattened to its skull, a snarling muzzle with knife-like teeth.

The men scrabbled back, reaching for their spears as the apparition scattered the campfire underfoot. One soldier, throwing snow from his cloak, caught the monster’s eye. The huge head ducked, teeth snapping, to haul the man from the ground screaming, his cry cut short as his lower body fell in a spray of blood before the campfire."
From "The Winter of the Witch" by Clint Staples

Based on the story "The Winter of the Witch", published in the short story anthology "Warlocks and Warlocks" by DMR Books. The barbarian witch Khuin attempts to warn a city of an impending war, prophesied by her people. Needless to say their first meeting was not as peaceful as everyone wanted.

Since the two stories are radically different, both in temperance and staging, I had to rely on a similar composition to join them, with a creature center and "victims" in the foreground. The angles are also complimentary. The idea was a bit of a risk, leaving the main character in dull light, but I really liked the idea of the campfire illuminating only so much, and that had to be on the wolf. In retrospect, the wolf could be a lot more vicious and involve the viewer a lot more, rather than the guard readying his sword.

Acryla-Gouache on Cold Press Illustration Board, 10"x16"

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